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HomeBusinessTop 6 Elements Of Winning Landing Pages

Top 6 Elements Of Winning Landing Pages

Landing pages, or destination pages, are crucial to marketing, advertising, and SEO campaigns. These pages are used in emails, social media posts, and advertising. Their purpose has one focus: the call to action (CTA), which, in marketing jargon, is lead generation.

There is no one type of landing page. They can be informational, like a blog post, or used to sell products. Landing pages are also used for event registration, prize draws, and free trial sign-ups. Ultimately, the landing page is measured by its ability to convert visitors. Therefore, we expect landing pages to change regularly to improve their effectiveness in capturing customer data.

Each page must be optimized for search engines and UX (user experience).

In theory and best practice, landing pages should have a lower-than-usual bounce rate due to their attractiveness to visitors keen to stay on the page. Plus, with investment in campaigns on channels that use Big Data to segment and target visitors who see the campaigns, e.g., PPC and SMM advertising, the bounce rate will be even lower than your homepage.

Landing Page Design & Content

However, while you can target those who land on your destination pages, you must ensure they are ‘sticky’ and appeal to the visitor. Your focus remains on improving the conversion rate of your landing pages, and the way to do this is with the design and the content.


The overall experience of your landing page will either win over or lose the visitor.  Design the page with your targeted audience in mind; in other words, seek to understand what attracts your target audience and ensure your page provides the right experience and emotion. Therefore, the starting point is to thoroughly research your audience.

Visitor Profile

Create a profile of your perfect visitor and seek to understand their likes and dislikes. This can be achieved with a quiz or survey, and as such, this initiative is a precursor campaign to the main event—your actual selling landing page that captures prospective customers. Interactive content like games, quizzes, and surveys is a great way to learn as much as possible about your targeted audience.


Your content must be authentic and create a meaningful interaction between your landing page and the visitor.

Subtle revision of landing pages regularly can result in much higher conversion rates. Remember that you’re always learning about your visitors; thus, the content is always a work in progress, in much the same way as your marketing and SEO campaigns.

Plus, the rules and requirements for attracting visitors to your website and destination pages, primarily via organic search, change for many reasons.  For example, competition in your core industry will require your business to be on the front foot with fresh content and innovative strategies in all marketing to retain and attract new customers.


Landing pages can perform well in search engines like Google when they share the correct information, and keywords are vital in matching visitor search inquiries.  Some of the tools that would help you in searching the traffic around keywords  are:

  • Ubersuggest (Neil Patel’s SEO app)
  • Google keyword planner
  • Moz

There are many more SEO services for identifying keywords, including Semrush and Ahrefs.

Using AI

Today, everything is about AI (Artificial Intelligence), and many apps are using it for everything from content writing to suggesting keywords, grammar checking, and SEO title creation. Some of the well-known apps include:

  • ChatGPT
  • Gemini
  • Grammarly
  • Ahrefs

Avoid copying AI content and pasting it onto your landing page. It’s unlikely that the AI tool you’re using will write like you do, so revise the content – i.e., rephrase it in your own words so it’s consistent with your voice and brand.  AI is not a shortcut. The visitor will bounce off quickly if its content is a poor match.

While the visual impact may intrigue your visitors, the content will persuade them to sign up for your newsletter, download a report, or register for your seminar.

Do your research and visit competitors’ landing pages. Which pages did you feel compelled to sign up for? Follow the success of other businesses, but do it in a style representative of your brand. Always avoid duplication of content and never plagiarize another’s work or content.

Plus, do AB Tests with a couple of different design and content styles to collate statistics on which landing page was more effective, i.e., got a higher conversion. Then, go with that style. Remember to test and revise as needed to get a higher conversion rate.

List of Key Attributes of a Winning Landing Page

If you’re up for tweaking your existing landing pages or want to start from the beginning, here is a list of critical attributes your landing pages should have to engage and convert visitors.

  • Heading – what is the value proposition of your landing page? Once you know what your landing page offers your visitors, create a heading that succinctly encapsulates it.
  • Byline – the byline or sub-heading is usually a sentence that explains your heading in more detail to lead the visitor to read more
  • Reasons why – list the benefits of why your visitor should take the action you want them to take
  • CTA (call to action) – This is the ‘click here’ button or instructions that inform the visitor what action to take next
  • Form—It is always a good idea to include a form so your visitor can take action immediately on the same page. With fewer clicks through to another page, your landing page can convert more visitors.
  • Testimonials – Use reviews, testimonials, and badges that prove your business is reputable and a trusted brand

Final Thoughts

Your landing pages can and will perform better, and our tips are just the beginning of your knowledge journey. There is no one fix, as is the case with all marketing strategies. Landing pages must be be analyzed and revised often to appeal to and convert your visitors.

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I am a Ghanaian journalist, software developer, news editor, and media personality. I am the founder and CEO of Gabs Media & Technology and Apex News Hub, a leading online news platform in Ghana. With a passion for storytelling and a commitment to fact-based reporting, I have established myself as a respected voice in Ghanaian journalism. Throughout my career, I have covered a wide range of topics, including politics, business, and entertainment. My dedication to seeking truth and promoting transparency has earned me a reputation as a trusted and reliable source of news and information. Under my leadership, Apex News Hub has become a go-to source for breaking news and in-depth analysis, attracting a large following and establishing itself as a major player in Ghana's media landscape. My work has been recognized and celebrated by his peers and the wider community, solidifying his position as a prominent figure in Ghanaian journalism.


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